Stammbaum für Skibbereen Eyreen Pride of Ireland

Eltern Großltern Urgroßltern Ur-Urgroßltern

 Skibbereen Joker Pride of Ireland

 Settador Superwitch

 Vicary`s Noble Sun

 Skibbereen Banshee

 Bardonhill Team Spirit at Wynjill

 Caspians Charity

 Revival Morning Mist

 Vicary`s Keyless Girl

 Danaway Dante

 Trevarren Janeen

 Free Spirit of Danaway

 Bardonhill Kiss-A-Gram

 Danaway Debonair

 Caspians Night Music

 Harvey of the Hunters Home

 Lowfield Gen

 Hunter v.h. Adelaarvaren

 Handy Hunt v. Huize Comtessa

 Kerryfair Night Fever

 Disco Dancer of Danaway

 Trevarren Almaric

 Trevarren Cheree

 Wendover Colas

 Westerbuy`s Dutch Spirit

 Kerryfair Night Fever

 Moyna April at Bardonhill

 Kerryfair Night Fever

 Disco Dancer of Danaway

 Kerryfair Night Fever

 Wendover Cassidy